Public speaking
Alexandra is an experienced public speaker who has appeared on live television, radio shows, documentaries and podcasts (including The Globe and Mail’s The Decibel and CBC’s Front Burner). Her extensive media tour to promote her book Rogers v. Rogers: The Battle for Control of Canada’s Telecom Empire included speaking at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, Calgary’s Wordfest and on numerous podcasts, radio shows and TV segments. Alexandra has moderated panels and conducted keynote interviews and fireside chats at dozens of events, including for the Economic Club of Canada, the International Economic Forum of the Americas, Canada’s Competition Summit, Elevate Festival, the Canadian Telecom Summit and the International Institute of Communications. She is featured in two documentaries discussing her ground-breaking reporting on a massive Canadian cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme: Netflix’s Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King and CBC’s Dead Man's Switch: a crypto mystery.
In conversation with the CBC’s Paul Haavardsrud about Rogers v. Rogers: The Battle for Control of Canada’s Telecom Empire at Calgary’s Wordfest, Feb. 2024. Photo by David Kotsibie.
Interviewing Ericsson CEO Börje Ekholm during the keynote luncheon at the International Economic Forum of the Americas’ Conference de Montreal, 2023.
Still from Netflix’s Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King, 2022.